
The reason why Jaw crusher seal failure

The reason why Jaw crusher seal failure

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  Jaw crusher in the work of the time will produce dust, if the seal is not strict will jelly crusher lubricants, so the efficiency of the equipment and life are very helpful, so the equipment seal failure is not a small Problem, follow the Jiaozuo Xin technical engineers to understand the reasons for the failure of the jaw crusher, and the right medicine.
    The main causes of jaw crusher failure are two major parts: seal damage and seal deformation.
Jaw crusher seal failure
    First of all, we first say that the problem of damage to the seal, jaw crusher parts of the gap between the smaller parts will lead to compression caused by wear and tear, in the replacement part of the wear parts, due to the replacement of seals Cycle and friction parts of the wear cycle is inconsistent, it will cause the rubber seal sealing pressure has increased, resulting in jaw crusher sealing device failure, while the aging of the seal will lead to failure of the device sealing device.
    Followed by the deformation of the seal, the seal deformation is also a major factor leading to the failure of the sealing device, the seal in the case of force will be out of the original track and thus cause the sealing device failure, in the installation process if installed properly Causing the seal to fail. Jaw crusher in the long process of work will make the oil deterioration, mobility will be worse, the local resistance of the seal will increase and deformation. So that jaw crusher sealing device failure is a variety of reasons, we must correctly understand the cause of the failure of the seal in order to prescribe the right medicine.

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